Tag Archives: beginning of the year

Top 5 Icebreakers

Well, if you can believe it summer is over for me and I’ve headed back to school. But after a nice long, relaxing break I’m feeling rested and ready!

Those first few days back are certainly exciting ones for both teachers and students. If you’re a coach you may be planning to facilitate a beginning of the year PD session. If so, I would encourage you to kick things off with an icebreaker that will allow new and returning staff the opportunity to get to know one another a bit better. Or you may be a teacher writing up your plans for the first week, considering how to build community in your classroom with different initiatives and icebreaker activities.

Either way, I would love to support you in your planning by sharing a few of my favorite community building icebreaker activities. They will all work with small groups or large groups, teachers or kiddos.



For other great community building activities I would highly recommend the book” Journey Toward the Caring Classroom
.” It’s packed full of community building initiatives to meet a variety of different purposes.

Here’s to a great year!

Thanks for reading,
