Close Reading Anchor Chart
Instructional Coaching, Teaching TipsFor the past few months, I’ve been working with our third grade team on implementing one of the curriculum modules produced by Expeditionary Learning. By the way, if you’re looking for high quality, common core aligned curriculum for grades 3-8, these modules are awesome! We just finished up The Power of Reading and had a ton of success with it.
Given that this curriculum is Common Core aligned, close reading played a big role in our work. Throughout the module, we created and used anchor charts for learning and thinking that we wanted to refer back to frequently…and close reading is definitely anchor chart worthy! Because so many of us coaches or teachers are working with close reading in one way or another, I thought it might be helpful to create a downloadable anchor chart to support your work. These are strategies identified in the module that I’ve added visuals to.
All of these strategies are tried and true and for sure will support close reading. I made a standard 8 x 10 size if you’d like to print it out and add it to your planning binder as a reference tool. I also made an 11 x 14 and 16 x 20 version to print off as a poster. I think you can print a 16 x 20 for around six bucks. Not bad!
Thanks for reading,