Organizing for Professional Learning
Categories: Teaching Tips
I have just arrived in Baltimore for the Expeditionary Learning National Conference. I can’t wait! During this three-day conference I’ll be participating in a mix of interactive master classes and a variety of structured discussion groups.
To ensure I maximized this professional learning experience, I did some essential pre-planning and organizing.
Before leaving I made sure my mind was free and clear of any mental clutter. I whipped up a travel planning printable to help me with this. Now I won’t have to worry about whether I forgot to pack anything or if any loose ends were left untied at school. Ahhh…
During the conference, there is going to be so much great information to record. My notes won’t mean much though unless they are aligned to specific next actions…now that I know this, what does this mean for me? What can I share with others? To support me with this, I created a note catcher for the conference.
You’ll see at the bottom I included a “Contacts” and “Backburner” session. At the conference I may meet other educators with great ideas who I want to connect with in the future and I want to make sure I get their contact information. Additionally, thoughts may come up that aren’t necessarily next actions, but may lead to important next steps in the future. I’ll plan to record this thinking under “Backburner.”
I hope you can also use these printables to help you plan and prepare for professional learning experiences of your own now or in the future!
Thanks for reading,
I’m heading to an EL conference on Student Engaged Assessment in a few weeks and the note-catcher is exactly what I need to make the best use of my time there. I tend to fill notebooks with what I’m learning, but the action steps are mixed in with questions, quotes and other ideas. Now there will be a structure to what I write down. Thank you!
Great to hear Patty! I’ve attended that conference and it’s a good one. Have fun :)