The Story of Guided Reading
Categories: Instructional Coaching, Teaching Tips
Guided reading is an approach to literacy instruction that teachers at our school have been working hard to understand and implement in their classrooms. We did a ton of work and thinking with this strategy last year in PD and continue to build on and refine our understandings this year.
Below is an infographic I created to summarize the WHAT, WHY, and HOW of guided reading in a visually friendly way. As an educator I’m all about using visuals to help make sense of tricky topics or ideas. Infographics allow you to “tell a story” with graphics and information. This happens to be my first one and I have to say it was super fun to make! I hope it helps you make sense of guided reading.
Below the infographic I have included a video of a guided reading lesson, accompanying lesson plan, and guided reading planning template.
Thanks for reading and Happy Thanksgiving!
This is a video we used as a model of quality guided reading instruction during a recent PD. Thanks Becky for letting us learn from you!
Here is a link to Becky’s lesson plan if you would like to give it a go (Becky’s Lesson Plan)! This lesson is suited for J level readers.
Click Here to Download Planning Template
Hi Kristin!
Would you tell me which of the many inforgraphic creation tools you used to create the guided reading infigraphic and the coaching infographic? Thanks!!
Hi Jennifer!
I used Piktochart to create this Guided Reading infographic. I then branched out on my own and used Illustrator to create the Coaching Work Plan infographic. Let me know if you put one together…I’d love to see :)
Hi Kristin,
I love that guided reading info graphic, is there anyway you could make it a PDF? I’d love to hang it by my desk!
Hi Courtney,
So sorry for my late reply. I just saw your comment this weekend! Due to the formatting of the image, I’m unfortunately unable to make it into a PDF. Although maybe you could just take a screen shot and print??
Thanks :)