Visual Agendas
Categories: Instructional Coaching, Teaching Tips
Sharing learning targets and the agenda with staff is always a first step in our Thursday PD sessions. I used to post the agenda in a standard list format on a piece of chart paper. As I wrote in my last post on infographics, I’m a big fan of using visuals to enhance a message. So rather than posting PD agendas in a boring old list, I’m now creating visual agendas. One benefit of creating visual agendas is that the experience provides me with a clear picture of where I intend to lead teachers. Additionally, this process helps me storyboard the entire professional development session. As I plan I am able to see possible gaps or misunderstandings prior to PD which allows me to sharpen the agenda and subsequently the teacher’s take-aways.
As a teacher attending professional development I appreciate when my interest is sparked and the learning is clear. Visual agendas help with this.
I’ve shared a few examples below. You can create them electronically or with good old butcher paper. Hopefully they will inspire you to use more visuals to enhance your instruction.
Thanks for reading!
This was helpful for me to see in action instead of simply reading about it.
I have a PD session this week and I’m going to try this. I like that this will attend to my visual learners.
I would love to see an example of a PD agenda!