Summer Reading List: 6 Books to Get You Movin’ and Groovin’
Categories: Teaching Tips
Hey there! Long time no see.
Sorry I haven’t dropped by with a post in a bit. Busy end of school year filling in for a teacher, lots of work on this year’s planner, and just some down time needed. But, I’ve got a few weeks of summer under my belt and I’m ready to get back to movin’ and groovin’!
Let’s kick things off with a summer reading list shall we?
One of my favorite things to do over the summer to keep my saw sharp, is to grab a good book and learn something new.
Focus on Teaching: Using Video for High Impact Instruction
So I’ve been coaching for six years now, and I still haven’t tried out video coaching. I know! Have you?? I’m aware of how much there is to learn from watching yourself on video from all the work I did with my Coaching Workshop, but I haven’t given it a good go in working with teachers. And I think it’ll just be great!
I’ve got “Focus on Teaching” out on the patio with me and I’ve just started digging in. There’s a lot to learn, but who better to guide me than Jim Knight?!
Lead Like a Pirate: Make School Amazing for Your Students and Staff
I heard Dave Burgess talk about his book “Teach Like a Pirate” on a Podcast and was immediately hooked by his energy and enthusiasm for teaching. So I grabbed the book, and had a lot of fun reading it. Then I heard about the “Lead Like a Pirate” book coming out in following Beth Houf and knew I wanted to check it out.
I just walked down to the library yesterday with Sombra dog to pick it up, and I’m excited to learn from Beth and Shelly’s approachable writing style. You know how some leadership books are just so dang serious?? This one is totally the opposite of that which I appreciate.
The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever
I forget where I heard about this one from, but it’s been on my “to read” list for awhile. Just got it a few days ago from Amazon, and I’m so glad I ordered it. It’s all about one of the most important things we do as coaches…asking good questions!! And according to this book, saying less and asking more is what it’s all about. The chapters are broken down by the 7 types of questions to focus on: the Kickstart Question, the AWE Question, the Focus Question, the Foundation Question, the Lazy Question, the Strategic Question, and the Learning Question. Can’t wait!
Taking the Lead: New Roles for Teachers and School-Based Coaches
You know the lesson Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover? This book proves this lesson true. Upon first glance, you might perceive this book to be an oldie and not so much of a goodie. But not so!! This book is so good! Tons of real, actionable advice and tips. I started reading it just before school got out, and can’t wait to keep going this summer. I think this is one of those books I’ll read page-by-page, cover-to-cover. That’s when you know you’ve got a worthy book on your hands.
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
I’m a big Cal Newport fan. He’s a teacher (professor actually), loves to talk about productivity (yes!), and he has a super popular blog/biz on the side (I’m working on it!). Anyhow, Cal writes some really good books. His first, “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” is one of my all time favorites, and his second, “Deep Work” lays the smack down on the how and why of treating your time with some R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
I listened to “Deep Work” on audio and loved it so much I bought the book so I could dig back in a little deeper. Building in more time for Deep Work in our schedules is a must if we want to create and contribute great ideas and work to share with others.
Big Little Lies
Because, we can’t forget about the fun stuff!! And this book is so fun. I’ve been staying up late into the night, with this page turner. It’s a murder mystery, but it’s also funny. My sister totally disagrees, but whatever, we can have different opinions. And in MY opinion this is a great summer read to check out! After I finish, I’ll probably binge-watch the first season on Netflix.
So whoop, there it is! Hope you enjoyed this little book list, and have a thought for a book you might grab, and start reading. If there’s one you think should definitely be added to the list, share in the comments below!
Talk to you soon! – promise :)
Psst – For more reading inspiration, check out these posts. And don’t forget about the Resources Page!
6 Books on My Summer Reading List. And How I Chose Them.
5 New Books to Add to Your Reading List
My Top 5 Resources for Instructional Coaches. Plus a Few More Good Ones.
Great list! Also, if and when you’re ready to venture into using video for coaching, I love Talent by Torsh as a resource if you would like to check it out. The app makes filming easy from mobile devices, and then you can share video with your coachee with tags and comments. In that way you can do some asynchronous coaching by posing questions for teachers at specific points of the video, and they can respond or pose questions to you as well.
Thanks Deborah! I’ll definitely check out this resource recommendation.